Lunds universitet
Vid intresse kontakta kontaktpersonen:
Avancerad oorganisk kemi: greenwood-earnshaw | Ebbe Nordlander |
NMR in chemistry | Ola Wendt |
Organometallic chemistry: hartwigboken (ny kurs) | Ola Wendt |
Chemical kinetics | Ola Wendt |
High-resolution electron microscopy | Reine Wallenberg |
Microscopic Characterisation | Reine Wallenberg |
Göteborgs universitet
Properties of ionc solutions and surface complexation at nanoparticle-solution interface (5hp Läskurs) |
Zareen Abbas |
Umeå universitet
Biogeochemical cycling of metals This course deals with the biogeochemical cycling of metals in the environment. It covers areas such as metal speciation, surface chemistry, complex formation, sedimentation, redox cycling, and discusses microbial as well as geochemical processes. |
The course is delivered online via moodle/canvas. Examination is done through oral and written submissions, and may require a physical meeting. |
Molecular Spectroscopy and Diffraction (7.5 hp) The course is intended for advanced undergraduate students (Upper Division), and is given . The Molecular Spectroscopy module of the course covers the fundamentals of group theory, MO theory, selection rules in electronic spectroscopy, crystal field theory. The Diffraction module focuses on fundamental principles of X-ray diffraction and structural determination. |
PhD students who wish to take this course remotely are advised to contact the course leader in advance ( |
Stockholms universitet
Powder diffraction with X-rays and neutrons in Materials Chemistry | More: |