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EBSA 2023 was a great success

More than 900 people attended the reception at City Hall. Photo: Maria Sunnerhagen

More than 1.000 people attended the EBSA Congress 2023, which took place in Stockholm between July 31-August 4,  in the Aula Magna at Stockholm University – the same venue that is used for hosting the Nobel Lectures in Physics and Chemistry.

Of the more than 1.000 participants, approximately 200 were from Sweden. The rest came from 44 different countries.

When we were planning the meeting, we emphasized Diversity – in research, age, geography, and gender – and the meeting truly brought together a wide range of participants from all over Europe, both junior, mid-career, and senior researchers, both women and men at all levels, and a fantastic breadth of research! says Maria Sunnerhagen, Chair of EBSA 2023.

The program was comprised of interesting lectures, poster presentations as well as plenty of time for networkin av scientific exchange between colleagues.

Wednesday the 2nd of August ended with a reception at the City Hall and the next day with a dinner at the Solliden restaurant in Skansenthe world’s oldest open-air museum.

– Biophysics and its methods have become a connecting field between medicine and physics, between molecular biology and structure. Through new experimental and computational methods, biophysics has dramatically increased our ability to provide information about time, force, and motion, thereby opening up entirely new opportunities to understand biological function. The science presented at EBSA2023 through talks, sessions, and the poster exhibition (750 posters!) clearly demonstrated this, says Maria Sunnerhagen.

EBSA is comprised of 31 biophysical societies, and the conference was arranged together with Biophysical Society, Protein Society och IUPAB (International union of pure and applied biophysics).


Photos from EBSA 2023

Welcome speech by Maria Sunnerhagen, Chair of EBSA 2023.
Photo: Lena Mäler
Discussions outside the Aula Magna entrance.
Photo: Lena Mäler


On the left, from left to right:
John Seddon (EBSA secretary), Jennifer Pesanelli (Biophysical Society executive officer, behind John Seddon), Tony Wilkinson (EBSA treasurer), Chuck Sanders (Protein Society former president), Jerker Widengren (meeting co-chair), Maria Sunnerhagen (standing, EBSA chair)

On the right hand side, from right to left:
Mauro della Serra with wife (chair EBSA-2025), Karen Fleming (Protein Society honorary lecturer), Jesus Perez-Gil (EBSA former president), Robert Gilbert (EBJ managing editor). 
Photo: Lena Mäler


Poster presentations in the Stockholm University “Lantis”.
Photo: Maria Sunnerhagen


The winners of the poster prizes recieved their diplomas at the closing ceremony.
Photo: Anthony Watts


Chairs of the meeting:
Top row from the left: Lena Mäler, Pål Stenmark, Jerker Widengren
Lower row from the left: Maria Sunnerhagen, Erik Lindahl
Photo: Anthony Watts