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Celsiussymposium – vi firar 300 års väderstatistik
12 januari, 2022, 13:00 - 16:30
På 300-årsdagen för Anders Celsius serie med väderobservationer bjuder Institutionen för geovetenskaper in till ett jubileumssymposium. Var med och lär dig mer om Celsius bidrag till klimatforskningen, hur vi använder väderstatistiken till att ta fram klimatmodeller och lyssna på forskare och experter som diskuterar vad vi kan förvänta oss av klimatet i framtiden.
13:00–13:10 – Welcome and opening words by moderator Erika Bjerström, Global Climate Correspondent at Sveriges Television (SVT), the Swedish public service television company.
13:10–13:15 – Introduction by Anders Hagfeldt, Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University.
13:15–14:00 – Phil Jones, Professorial Fellow at the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia: “Series with long temperature records in Europe, and global temperature averages since 1850”.
14:00–14:30 – Martin Ekman, Associate Professor in Geophysics and author of the book “The Man behind ‘Degrees Celsius’: A Pioneer in Investigating the Earth and its Changes”.
14:30–15:00 – Break with coffee, tea and the Celsius pastry.
15:00–15:30 – Hans Bergström, senior researcher and expert on the Celsius temperature series: “300 years of weather observations in Uppsala”.
15:30–16:00 – Anna Rutgersson, Professor of Meteorology: “Current technology and observations for future forecasts”.
16:00–16:30 – What have we learned? What does the future hold? The future of weather and climate data and interpretations. Open discussion between invited researchers and experts with an opportunity to ask questions.
Läs mer/ Read more: Celsiussymposium – vi firar 300 års väderstatistik – Uppsala universitet (uu.se)