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ChemPhysChem/ChemSystemsChem Joint Virtual Symposium: Computational Chemistry

22 april, 2021, 16:00 - 17:30

ChemPhysChem and ChemSystemsChem are pleased to announce the upcoming Joint Virtual Symposium on Computational Chemistry.

When: Thursday April 22, 2021 at 16:00 CET

This exciting event will be moderated by Wolfram Koch (German Chemical Society GDCh, Germany) and will feature three exciting 25-minute presentations by:

• Markus Reiher (ETH Zürich, Switzerland): Have you ever pulled on a molecule? – Chemical Reactivity by Interactive and Automated Quantum Mechanics
• Leticia González (University of Vienna, Austria): Shining light on transition metal complexes: A dynamical view”
• Gabriel Merino (CINVESTAV Mérida, Mexico): Predicting new carbon and boron molecules