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Focus on current drying research within EFCE
19 april, 2022, 09:30 - 11:30
09:30 Welcome and introduction
Angélique Léonard – Chair WP Drying, University of Liège – Belgium
Jarka Glassey, EFCE Executive Vice-President
09:40 Towards efficient drying of high-quality vegetable seed
Julia Veser, Wageningen University – The Netherlands
10:10 Operational dimensioning of drum dryers and review of the desing parameters
Tibor Poós, Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Hungary
10:40 Study of multiphase flow inside the anodic porous transport layer of PEM water
electrolyzer based on Lattice Boltzmann and Pore Network Models
Supriya Bhaskaran, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg – Germany
11:10 Conclusion
Angélique Léonard – Chair WP Drying, University of Liège – Belgium