- Detta event har redan ägt rum.
Innovative Chemical Engineering Education
26 april, 2022, 09:30 - 12:00
09:30 Welcome and introduction
Eric Schaer, Chair WP on Education, Lorraine University – France
Petr Kluson, EFCE Scientific Vice-President
09:40 Teaching professional ethics
Jarka Glassey, Newcastle University – United Kingdom
10:10 Use of Capstone Project to promote interdisciplinarity
David Shallcross and Colin Scholes, University of Melbourne – Australia
10:40 Importance of the work placement and its connection with research project
Cilian O’Suilleabhain and Sandra Lenihan, Munster Technological University – Ireland
11:10 Demonstration of immersive tools for chemical engineering training
Tom Van Gerven, KU Leuven – The Netherlands
11:40 Final remarks and panel discussion