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Live Cell Single Molecule Tracking Symposium
8 november, 2019 - 9 november, 2019
Recent progress in instrumentation and fluorophore development enabled single molecule imaging and tracking in live cells and organisms. Thus, kinetic parameters of biomolecules such as diffusion coefficients, velocities, bound fractions and reaction rates as well as concentrations, stoichiometry and spatial distribution are now accessible with unprecedented resolution in the natural live environment. To extract kinetic information, different analysis approaches evolved, deviating in sample preparation, imaging requirements, algorithms and underlying assumptions. Overall, using kinetic information, physical models of cellular and organismal processes can now be devised at molecular detail, enabling predicting behaviour and misbehaviour in homeostasis, development and disease.
The symposium aims at bringing together researchers with a focus on or interested in live cell single molecule tracking for scientific exchange, networking and discussions, to spread knowledge about this beneficial methodology and to stimulate new developments. Topics are open to include developments in instrumentation and fluorophores, analysis and modeling approaches and applications to physical, biological or medical questions. Besides the excellent line-up of speakers, there will be short talks selected from abstract submissions and poster presentations. We particularly encourage early stage researchers to present their work.
Karin Busch (Münster), Robert Coleman (New York), Ignacio Izeddin (Paris), Kai Johnsson (Heidelberg), Ulrich Kubitscheck (Bonn), Davide Mazza (Milano), Jacob Piehler (Osnabrück).
The abstract submission deadline is October 15, 2019. Participation in the symposium is free of charge, but registration is mandatory to facilitate planning. Please refer to the meeting website for a preliminary programme, additional information and registration: