- This event has passed.
1 september, 2021 - 3 september, 2021
Call for Abstracts: Deadline June 21, 2021
The deadline for submitting your abstract to the EuCOMC 2021 conference is approaching, do not miss this opportunity to share your chemistry with the Organometallic Chemistry community across Europe.
Due to corona virus outbreak the celebration of the EUCOMC meeting in 2021 has been rescheduled to an online conference on September 1st – 3rd. This event would bring together our wide and active European Organometallic Community and will provide an environment for scientific discussion. This meeting will be a perfect forum for young researchers to present their contributions. Hence a significant part of the program for this short format online meeting will be dedicated to oral and poster contributions. As well, we have fantastic line-up of invited speakers, please check the web page https://congresosalcala.fgua.es/eucomc2021virtual/
We are looking forward to welcome you at EuCOMC XXIV. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, you are cordially invited to participate.
Submit an abstract
Al the best,
The EUCOMC XXIV Organizing Committee,
Tomás Cuenca (Chair) Marta E. G. Mosquera (Secretary