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Swedish-Norwegian Seminar Series in Organic Chemistry – Jørn Hansen, Norway

online (Teams)

Dear Colleagues,   the former Swedish National Seminar Series in Organic Chemistry has been expanded to the Swedish-Norwegian Seminar Series in Organic Chemistry presenting to you cutting edge research from Swedish and Norwegian universities in an online format. The seminar series is organized by Svenska Kemisamfundet and Norsk Kjemisk Selskap and newly hosted by Philipp Klahn, Göteborgs universitet and Marius Haugland-Grange,…

The 2nd Nordic Conference on Computational Chemistry

Astra Zeneca Mölndal , Sverige

Join us in exploring cutting-edge computational chemistry, including topics such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Structure- and Ligand-based drug design, and the Design of Nucleotides, Peptides, and Proteins. This event promises to ignite discussions and possibly new collaboration in the computational chemistry community. The meeting will be held at AstraZeneca premises in Gothenburg close…

10th Scandinavian and Baltic Conference, Amyloid Diseases and Amyloid Mechanisms


We invite you to join us at the 10th Scandinavian and Baltic Conference, Amyloid Diseases and Amyloid Mechanisms (ADAM10) on the newest developments in amyloid research from amyloid structures and biochemistry to disease diagnostics and mechanisms. The forthcoming ADAM10 will be held on 19–21 March 2025, at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. KEYNOTE…

Aktuella trender inom tillämpad masspektrometri

Carl Kempe salen, Glasburen, Stora Fokusrummet, KBC-huset

Spara datumet den 19-20 mars 2025 för en konferens med mässa och workshoppar om tillämpad masspektrometri!  Detta evenemang är ett forum där personer från industrin, akademin och forskningsinfrastrukturer kan mötas för att diskutera de senaste utvecklingarna inom tillämpad masspektrometri. I evenemanget ingår en konferens och en mässa den 20 mars där ledande företag inom området…

Chemistry & Capitalism: 14th International Conference on the History of Chemistry

Lopez Piñero Inter-University Institute - University of Valencia Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain

Every other year the EuChemS Working Party on the History of Chemistry organizes an international conference on the history of chemistry, open to colleagues from all over the world. The general aim of the conferences organised by the WP is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists, museum curators, science educators and historians of chemistry, and to…

Sweprot 2025

Åkerblads hotell, Tällberg Sjögattu 2, Tällberg

We are pleased to invite you to join us in Tällberg for the 28th Swedish Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function on June 13-16 2025. Registration closes on May 12 2025.

International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry | June 15-18 in Uppsala, Sweden

Uppsala , Sverige

Welcome to Uppsala On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to Uppsala, Sweden 15-18 June 2025 for the 17th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry – A Marcus Wallenberg symposium. The ISABC17 meeting follows those in Ioanninna (2023), Nara (2019), Toulouse (2017), Galway (2015), Guangzhou (2013), and going back to…

SCS2025 i Västerås, Steam Hotel

Steam Hotel, Västerås Ångkraftsvägen, Västmanlands län, Sweden

Välkommen till Svenska Kemisamfundets tredje nationella möte! Det är återigen dags att samla kemister från kemins alla inriktningar! Programmet kommer att fyllas med spännande och inspirerande föredrag, postersessioner samt gott om möjligheter till diskussioner och nätverkande, läs mer på

53rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress and General Assembly

Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre , Malaysia

General Assembly: 12-15 juli World Chemistry Congress: 14-19 juli This marks the first time that the IUPAC Congress and General Assembly are taking place in an ASEAN country, and this has created immense enthusiasm and excitement among chemists from this part of the world. The theme of IUPAC 2025, “Chemistry for Sustainable Future”, underscores our commitment…

Dubrovnik Conference on Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics

Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, Croatia

Welcome to join us at the Dubrovnik Conference on Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics, which takes place at Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, Croatia in 05-09 September, 2025. The 2025 Dubrovnik Conference on Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics aims to bring together researchers from across the globe to explore advancements in tumor biology, immunity, metabolism, and genome integrity. With a focus on…

Fortbildningsdagarna 2025 i Karlstad

Fortbildningsdagarna 2025 äger rum den 24-25 november på Karlstads universitet. Nationalkommittén för kemis Fortbildningsdagar är en årlig fortbildningsaktivitet för kemilärare. Deltagarna är lärare i årskurs 7-9 samt gymnasiet och antalet platser brukar vara begränsat till ca 80 st. Deltagarna får själva bekosta resa och inkvartering. Genom att Fortbildningsdagarna flyttar runt mellan de olika lärosätena får…