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Photo challenge – “Life as a researcher”

Dear all,

As part of this year’s conference ( there will be a photo challenge and the chosen theme is:

 “Life as a researcher”

To enable this event we would like your participation. We want you to show us, and others, what life as a researcher looks like: the joy, the frustration, the friendship and the odd things that occur on a daily basis.

To take part all you need to do is send us a photo (taken by you or your colleagues) of how you perceive life as a scientist. We will show the photos in a slideshow during the event.

Send the photo to no later than April 20, and write “Life as a researcher” in the heading. The picture should be oriented horizontally (landscape) not vertically (portrait).

If you want to show your contribution in social media as well, please use the hashtag #SciLifeLabSummit

Thank you and best wishes,

/On behalf of the SciLifeLab Science Summit organizing committee