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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

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  3. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Event på denna plats/venue

Surface Analysis and Characterization – an Instrument Workshop

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Drottning Kristinas väg 45, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige

A one-day workshop on surface analysis and characterization instruments. During the day you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a range of different techniques. During stops in the laboratories of RISE you will get concise information from our specialists and see the instruments. At the end of the day you will have acquired…


Course: Bubble and Foam Chemistry

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Drottning Kristinas väg 45, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige

This 2-day course provides a straightforward introduction to the principles and properties of foams and foaming surfactants. It discusses the key ideas that underpin why foaming occurs, how it can be avoided and how different degrees of antifoaming can be achieved, and covers the latest test methods, including laboratory and industrial developed techniques. Combining academic…


Course: Colloid Chemistry and Colloidal Dispersions

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Drottning Kristinas väg 45, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige

This 3-day intensive course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental and practical aspects of colloid chemistry and colloidal dispersions. The course is focused on particles that are dispersed in liquids. Nearby topics, such as surfactant chemistry, polymers in solution and emulsions, are also covered to some degree in order to make the course complete…


YKI Alumnidagen 2017

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Drottning Kristinas väg 45, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige

Ett arrangemang för de som varit verksamma vid YKI, Ytkemiska Institutet. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden är värd för mötet tillsammans med AkzoNobel. Programmet startar med lunchmingel följt av föredrag kring ytkemi förr och idag. Dessutom smakprov på aktuell verksamhet hos RISE och möjlighet till rundvandring. Avslutande Alumni-middag.
