KALLELSE Årsmöte i Kemometrisektionen
Dag: Torsdagen den 20 maj, kl 14.15 – ca 16.00 Plats: Mötesinformation - Zoom Meeting https://umu.zoom.us/j/68008371953?pwd=bXhRRk1aU1BQSWh1dmZCYWZmUS8wdz09 Meeting ID: 680 0837 1953 Passcode: 051213 Innan årsmötet har vi den stora förmånen att få höra en presentation av prof. Mathias Uhlén, KTH,…
Image Analysis gives Better Views Over Complex Systems
Welcome to the fourth occasion of the seminar series from the Chemometrics section of Kemisamfundet. This time the focus is on image analysis with presentations on Machine Learning for automatic traffic sign characterization and classification by Irene Yu-Hua Gu, and…