International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics
Dear Representatives of Adhering Bodies and National Societies, Councilors and Members of the Biophysical Community,
We are preparing a new issue of IUPAB News (number 70) (ISSN 2616-5589). We are asking you to send all types of collaborations. It will be in the interest of all biophysicists to have an attractive international magazine that can be distributed to your members as a new benefit for their membership.
We will acknowledge receiving materials published in your own bulletins or similar that you consider of interest for the biophysics community. In general, materials may consist of: (a) brief articles of opinion about scientific policies or scientific divulgatory reviews of not more of 1500 words, plus 1-2 tables or illustrations; (b) information about Congresses or any other event that you are organizing (preferably flyers in .jpg format); (c) news or brief reports from recent events (not more than 400 words plus 1-2 illustrations, preferable in .jpg format); (d) open positions; (e) brief semblances of women in science, semblances on renowned biophysicists, obituaries of distinguished biophysicists (not more of 1000 words plus 1-2 illustrations, preferably in .jpg format); (f) awards (preferably flyers in .jpg format).
You (and/or any member of your Adhering Body or National Society) may send me contributions not later than than the 20th of January to be published in the next issue (end of January). Otherwise it will be included in the issue to be published in May-June..
Please, communicate this possibility to all the members of your Adhering Body or Society as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your help.
It should be remembered that the deadline for applications asking for funding support for events to be held during the second semester of 2019 will be December 31st, 2018.
The IUPAB Executive Committee and the Council wish you a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) or Season´s Greetings and a very Happy and Biophysical 2019.
Best wishes,
Juan C. Gómez-Fernández
IUPAB Secretary General