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Zoomposium Inorganic Innovations 25th of October at 13-15.30

Join us for our third zoomposium where we discuss inorganic chemistry in Sweden. The zoomposium features a mix of academic and industrial speakers painting a picture of the current state of inorganic chemistry in Sweden. This year the theme is Inorganic Innovations. The speakers are selected to give a broad perspective of Swedish inorganic chemistry. Before the meeting the division of inorganic chemistry of the Swedish chemical society will have their annual proceedings. The annual meeting is on zoom at the same zoom link as the zoomposium.


13:00-13:10 Welcome
Henrik Pedersen, Linköping University Moderator: Peter Broqvist Uppsala University

”Water in Prussian blue analogue electrodes: A blessing or a curse?”
William Brant, Altris

Title TBA
Emma Björk, Linköping University

Break Moderator: Kimberly
Dick Thelander, Lund University             

Anna Sundsström Award ”Time-resolved CVD of group 13-Nitrides”
Polla Rouf, formerly LiU

”Selective removal of mercury from wastewaters and chemicals, through reversible electrochemical alloy formation”
Johan Björkquist, Atium

15:20-15:30 Closing remarks,
Henrik Pedersen, Linköping University